SEO Dude Case Study: Investment Education Website

This is a case study showing how SEO Dude helped a website in the Investment Education sector. They used our full-service SEO package.

They had just started their site when they began using our service, so our task was to build their SEO from the ground up.

SEO work can include effort in a wide variety of areas, such as on-site and off-site work, and each website has unique needs in these areas. This particular company already had a separate plan for coming up with content for the website, so they didn't need us to write articles or give them keyword text to put on their website. They just wanted us to promote the site in a way that would build up the SEO.

This is our bread and butter, so we got to work and started laying an SEO foundation. We promoted the site in a number of ways that had an SEO benefit.

This image helps demonstrate the impact of our efforts:

That image comes from Ahrefs, which is a really useful SEO tool we like to use. It helps us track how effective our SEO efforts are.

We started working with this Investment Education website in the middle of May. The image shows how our SEO efforts impacted the website over a 3-month period.

The top part of the image in blue shows the "Referring domains". This is a count of how many websites are publicizing the Investment Education website. You can see that we were able to consistently earn more publicity over the course of those first three months. By the end of that period, there were 72 different websites publicizing our client as a result of our efforts.

The lower part of the image in orange and grey shows the "Organic keywords". This is referring to the number of different keyword terms that the Investment Education website started showing up for in Google search results. The image shows that by the end of three months, our client's website was in Google search results for 195 different search terms.

That's pretty good progress for three months of work.

It's important to note that this doesn't mean they ranked number 1 for all those search terms. This just means that showed up in the results. SEO typically requires a long-term effort, and those first three months set a foundation in place for this client. To get to the point of ranking at or near the top for your target search terms often requires an ongoing effort.

If you have questions about our services or about SEO in general, you can reach out any time.